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Parent/Community Involvement

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We are dedicated to supporting you every step of the way as your student embarks on their journey with us. Our mission is to assist and guide you effectively during your student's time at our school.
At the Parent Center, we are committed to providing you with valuable resources and essential information. Our aim is to simplify the process of contributing to your student's success. We understand the importance of your involvement, and we are here to empower you with the knowledge and tools necessary to assist your student in achieving their goal of obtaining a high school diploma.
Your active participation plays a vital role in shaping your student's future. Together, we can help your student succeed not only in their academic pursuits but also in their future endeavors.

Parent & Community Involvement Specialist

Mike Anchondo

(408) 347-5631


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It is our goal of Silver Creek High School that students will graduate ready for college and careers. The school is aware that students are more likely to be successful if families and educators are informed and work together. 

Numerous opportunities are available for parents to become active participants at the school site. We encourage and welcome you to participate in one or more of the following committees listed below. Please contact your Parent & Community Involvement Specialist if you have any concerns or questions.

District Advisory Committee/District English Learners Advisory Committee (DAC/DELAC)

The District Advisory Committee/District English Learners Advisory Committee is a group of parents, staff, students, and community members elected by School Site Committees, to provide on-going advice to the Superintendent and Board of Trustees.


School Site Council (SSC)

The school site council plays an important role in decision­ making and helps develop, review, and evaluate school improvement programs. The members of the site council are parents, students, teachers, community members, and the principal.

Coffee Talk with the Principal
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Please join me once a month for some conversation and refreshments. This is a great opportunity to get to know each other, listen to your concerns and answer any questions you may have.

Lo invito a acompañarme una vez al mes para platicar y compartir un cafecito. Es una buenísima oportunidad para conocernos, escuchar sus inquietudes y contestar cualquier pregunta que tenga.

Chúng tôi xin kính mời quý vị đến trò chuyện và dùng trà bánh mỗi tháng một lần. Đây là dịp để chúng tôi được gặp gỡ, lắng nghe những mối quan tâm, và trả lời những câu hỏi của quý vị


Coffee Talk with the Principal is scheduled every 2nd Thursday of the month at 9:00am via Zoom!